Monday, February 19, 2007

Reality Check

I have been pondering Paul's words, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" a lot these days. I have found much more joy and peace about the day I meet Christ now that I've studied this verse. I praise God for His instruction and how He works in my heart.

Yesterday I met a young graduate student who was visiting our church. She came with another grad student that I've had the privilege of getting to know over the past few weeks. After being introduced, I asked Tracy about her studies and what she had hoped to do once she earned her Master's degree. It was fun to hear her share briefly about her hopes and dreams.

Early this evening, my grad student friend sent out an e-mail to our church requesting prayer. Tracy, the young and vibrant gal I met just yesterday, collapsed during her clarinet lesson today and was unable to be revived. Tracy is in the very presence of Jesus right now, declaring that dying is abundantly more than living ever was - to die is gain. Those who knew her and loved her - family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances even - must believe and find peace that this is what is best for her. She is better off with Jesus than living on this earth. As much as it hurts, this seething sting of death, we must look to the interest of another, Tracy, rather than our own interests. To be with Christ is the very best thing for her now, and those left behind must rejoice that she is with Jesus and continue in declaring the praise of her Savior whom she is now with.

In the case of a believer, death is bittersweet. But again, let us reflect on the joy that engulfs the spirit of the one who is now with Christ. May God be gracious and most merciful to those who are left behind - to those who grieve yet rejoice; to those who question and do not understand; to those who are angered. Our God is great and His ways have been and always will be above our ways. We will never understand the mysteries of our Great God. Praise Him now and forever more. Amen.

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