Thursday, July 9, 2009

Words of Life

Today I was reminded of the Proverb that says:

The tongue can bring death or life;
those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

Too often we freely offer death to others using our words, but how refreshing and encouraging when it is the exact opposite. Someone, whose opinion and thoughts I highly value, told me today that my kids are really good kids (well behaved, well mannered, etc.). As I struggle daily in my parenting role, nothing could have encouraged me more. It was as if I were a dry and thirsty plant, and someone poured water upon me - I was immediately encouraged and refreshed ... and thankful to the LORD for His help with parenting. Further, these words were a stark reminder that my children are, as Scripture says, a blessing from the LORD (Psalm 127:3).

Let's not hold back these words that can bring life to others. Offer them freely. Encourage the saints as we all travel on this road of life together.

Grace and peace to you.

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