Thursday, March 20, 2008

Angie, Repent!


Wow - God does it again! He prepared me for something that I didn't see coming. I know that it was God who led me to read the passages on repentance. But I didn't realize it was going to be specifically for my own good. I was typing and hoping that this look at repentance would be a blessing to someone out there. And perhaps it has, but God used it for more than that.

I believe I was mildly aware of my sin, but God used some difficult circumstances to "paint it in the sky" for me. It was clear - I was confronted by a dear brother in Christ who pointed out my sin and the effects that it had. I did not argue, for the Holy Spirit had confirmed it within my heart. I confessed my sin to God and those involved, and I have determined in my heart not to go back doing those things. Am I perfect? Certainly not. Most certainly not!

As Jesus prepared Himself for His crucifixion, He took His disciples to the Mount of Olives with Him. He told them to pray so that they wouldn't fall into temptation. Then He withdrew from them to another place to pray - the Bible says it was only a stone's throw away. After praying, He went back to the disciples and found them sleeping from sorrow. (Read what happened before and after that and you'll understand their sorrow!) He then admonished them: "Why do you sleep? Rise and pray, lest you enter into temptation" (Luke 22:39-46).

Why include this narrative in my post? Because I think I've been sleeping - spiritually speaking. Another brother in Christ encouraged us last Sunday that even if it is only 5 short minutes, we should be in the Word DAILY. God can use 5 short minutes as much as he can use 35 minutes. The point is that we are IN THE WORD. How can we remember our duties as followers of Christ if we're not hearing His Word (Romans 12:2)? Furthermore, I am so good at justifying, and I'm sure I was justifying my sin in my heart, thinking that some aspect of what I was doing was okay. But it wasn't. And I would have heard that message had I been in the Word more faithfully.

I hope that in some way, this entry encourages you to examine your own life in light of what scripture teaches. God is faithful. He does want to see us grow in Him. We can certainly be confident, "that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" - praise God that He doesn't leave us when we fail. Amazing love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just getting around to reading some of these older post. I wanted to agree with you and praise God with you for the work He did and is still doing in your life. It is always a GOOD thing when we are confronted with our sin and then we recognize that we need to repent from it. This has happened many times in my own life and I am humbled every time!

I am also thankful for your "brother in Christ" having the courage to shed light on your sin and then asking you to repent of it. That is SO needed in all of our lives today. Both to be the one to stand on what we know Scripture says about our sin and then to keep our hearts humble enough before God to repent when needed.

I think this whole aspect of repentance is often overlooked or down played for fear of hurting one's feeling or not wanting to see them disassociate with us on some level OR even thinking "how can I talk to someone else about their sin when my own life is a mess". Many are simply not willing to take this approach when we/they see sin in each other. Does it mean we are you said absolutely NOT!! It just means that we are willing to be used of God to bring Glory to His name when we see an obvious sin in someone.

Thanks again for sharing, that not only someone had the courage to talk to you about your sin and come right out and ask you to repent from it, but also, the POSITIVE outcome it had in your life.

I truly believe that both sides of this is for our good and His Glory..praise God for the times in my own life when someone pointed out to me that I was spiritual asleep.
