Friday, January 12, 2007

Setting the Stage

Today we pick up our study in Acts 16. This particular chapter is going to set the historical stage for Paul’s beginnings with the Philippians. In this chapter we will also be introduced to Timothy. As you read this chapter, take note of the following …

  • What do we learn about Timothy?
  • Who was accompanying Paul and how did they end up in Philippi?
  • Who else do we meet in this chapter and what do we learn about him/her?

Feel free to post your findings. We can “dialogue” in the comment section of this blog entry.


Alice said...

From verse 1 (Acts chapter 16), we find that Timothy is already a disciple, his mother is a Jewess and beleiver, and that his father was Greek. Does the "was" mean his father is dead?

Plus, Timothy let himself be circumcised to be more accepted by the Jews. Ouch.

Paul was accompanied by Timothy, Luke (I'm pretty sure it's believed that Luke is the "we" in the text.) Was Silas still with them? They were prevented from entering Bithynia by the Spirit of Jesus (don't know if this means there was a physical barrier keeping them from entering, our a Spiritual warning.) Then Paul had a vision of a man begging them to come to Macedonia. So they sailed there.

Let me know if I've got my details mixed up!


Angie said...

Good stuff, Alice. You brought up some good points.

1. I'm going to talk more about Timothy's situation tomorrow - Sunday. But yes, I read somewhere that it is probable that Timothy's father had passed. Maybe that's why Paul felt as a father figure toward him. Who knows. But it seems to make sense.

2. The whole circumcision thing was fascinating to me, especially b/c it followed the Jerusalem Council - you can read about it in Acts 15. It just seemed odd that after such a victory for Paul and the others, why would he circumcise Timothy? I spent a few hours reading up on the whole issue, but you pretty much nailed it, I think. More on that tomorrow.

3. You are correct regarding the traveling companions. Luke was with them, and if you were partially asleep reading this account, you might not have caught that b/c you do have to read between the lines. (Way to go on that one, Alice!) Silas was with them b/c he was the one in prison with Paul b/c they were both Jews. And of course, Timothy.

4. As to what it was that kept them from going to Bithynia - I have no idea. But obviously it was apparent and convincing enough to keep them from entering that particular area.

All for now! Thanks for the input. :-)