In the opening verse of Philippians, Paul makes mention of someone named Timothy. Just reading those first three words, “Paul and Timothy” might lead one to believe that they were both the authors of the letter; however, upon further reading of the epistle (letter), it becomes clear that Paul was the one writing. First of all, the author used I rather than we when speaking. Additionally, he spoke of sending Timothy to the Philippians in 2:19. So it becomes apparent that Paul is the author. Nevertheless, who is this guy named Timothy? After reading in Acts 16 yesterday, you’re probably ready to answer that question. Let me add my two cents to the pot …
Timothy was a young disciple whom Paul picked up in Lystra – a city located in modern-day Turkey. (By the way, it is quite fascinating to follow Paul’s journeys while looking at a map. That guy did a ton of traveling, and all for the sake of telling others about Jesus …wow!) Timothy was respected not only among the believers in his own town but also those in the neighboring town of Iconium. Yet I wonder what Paul saw in Timothy that made him want Timothy as part of the team. Perhaps Timothy had some strengths that would help Paul and the others as they went from city to city proclaiming the gospel. I wonder what young Timothy was thinking as he agreed to go with Paul, leaving his home and family.
Anyone want to add some thoughts on this? Perhaps there might be something in one of Paul's letters to Timothy that would add insight here.
Ultimately, God built this team of missionaries to quickly and effectively, through the Holy Spirit's power, spread the Word to others. And it was by the Holy Spirit that many people were saved and that the Church grew significantly. How awesome it would have been to be a part of that, but in fact, we are - just much, much later in time.
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