Friday, December 3, 2010


What things do we delight in? Just yesterday I posted my feelings on Facebook about that which is delightful - coffee and eggnog combination. A little trivial, but the warmth and flavor were certainly delightful to my senses. This morning I am delighting in my children with their happy hearts that have been eager to obey and serve. (This does not happen every day, mind you.) I delight in the beauty of creation - I have a hike planned with a friend later today. But this morning, the Word of God encouraged me to delight myself in the LORD. I wonder what that looks like. What does it mean to delight myself in the LORD? Lately, our pastor has encouraged us to receive from the LORD as Mary chose to do while her sister, Martha, was busy with all sorts of tasks. There is always something to do, you know. For us mothers, there's always another load of laundry, dirty dishes in the sink, filthy floors that need to be swept, meals that need to be prepared, toilets that need to be scrubbed. And with technology, there are always emails to reply to, text and phone messages to respond to, friends on Facebook to catch up with. We are bombarded with tasks that could keep us busy longer than the 24 hours that we are given in one day. So delighting in the LORD - how do we do that with all of the distractions? I don't have the answers, but I think there is something to be said about the discipline of sitting "with the LORD" amidst the distractions. This is a very challenging thing for me to do given my personality (i.e. wanting everything to be just right so I can sit down, relax, and have nothing else to do but be with the LORD). Let's face it - that's not going to happen. Can anyone out there create the perfect environment to sit and be with the LORD given our crazy lives? Thankfully, today I was able to come home from working out, quickly shower, grab some coffee (yes, with eggnog), and sit down with my Bible before the kids got up ... a very rare experience. And even once they got up, by the grace of God, I was able to continue to sit, read, and pray while they got ready for their day. I learned that I could sit and delight myself in the LORD, receiving from Him a feast from His Word. I am grateful. So ... go, my friend. DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD!

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