Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kissed Again

Thanks to my friend, Janna, I've now thought about blogging again. (Thanks for the comment on my previous post, Janna.) Writing has taken a back seat to other things in my life. I do miss capturing those thoughts, meditations, prayers. The time will come when I am, once again, compelled to verbalize my thoughts. Like tonight ...

I just walked into my son's room - he was fast asleep. I kissed him twice and whispered in his ear that I loved him. Katie too was in a deep sleep as I crept into her room to do the same. Another two kisses for her as well. The routine kiss at bedtime just wasn't enough after reading this ...

I think my previous post pretty much sums up how I feel about this one too.

1 comment:

Mrs. Waldher said...

children area blessing !!!