Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Redemption of Price

I read a scripture today that really hit me between the eyes - well, actually, it pierced my heart ...

... for the redemption of their souls is costly ...
-Psalm 49:8

Now I'll admit that I didn't spend any amount of time looking at the surrounding verses, considering the context. But this verse reminded me that, indeed, the redemption of my soul was costly to God. He sacrificed His beloved Son, placing my sins (and all of those He ransomed), on Him so that I, an enemy of God, could become a friend of God - or, better yet, a child of God. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I think about my own children - I love them dearly. I live every day to care for them, teach them, love them. I do everything I can to protect them from harm. So, do you think I would give their lives for that of my enemy - one who hates me and does everything possible to display such hatred? NO WAY! How then, can God's love for us, shown in the sacrifice of His only Son, make any reasonable sense.

I need reminders such as these continually. These truths are what can (and I hope will) compell me to love and serve God with my entire being. What wondrous love is this!!!

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