Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Perfectly Qualified

I have been updating my resume over the past week and thinking about what makes the ideal or perfect candidate for a particular job. I’ve been wondering if I’m the perfect candidate for a particular job – do I have everything it takes (or just about) to perform the duties of this job well?

Although no one is perfectly, in all ways suited for a certain job, Paul seemed to have been and done all the right things to please God. In this section, he is still dealing with the Judaizers and continuing to prove a point to the Philippians that righteousness cannot be achieved. Even Paul who came from the ultimate Jewish background – purely Jewish, from the tribe of Benjamin, circumcised on the eighth day, etc. – and who had done everything he could in the flesh to keep the law, preaches that no one can achieve righteousness – not even by being born into the most perfect of circumstances and living “blamelessly.” Paul’s resume seemed to contain all the right stuff, but it would never be good enough.

Do you ever find yourself trying to earn God’s favor? It is done – in the person of work of Christ – it is done forever and ever – AMEN! Be thankful that we don’t have to try to fulfill the law, for Christ accomplished that on our behalf once and for all. Praise Him!

1 comment:

Alice said...

Good to see you posting!

Thanks for this, I always need reminding of God's grace.
