Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Greetings, friends.

Just wanted you to know that I will be taking a short break from blogging to enjoy a little R&R with my family at the beach. It is much needed and prayers for safety and a blessed, relaxing time would be appreciated. Thanks.

I encourage you to continue feasting on the Word of God. The Psalms are a great "sidetrack." On occasions like these, I also enjoy reading from The Daily Light, a little book that groups scripture verses together thematically in a morning and evening reading. And Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional is meaty and can be read online. Those are just a couple of ideas if you need some.

Thanks for being patient with me as we slowly work through Philippians with interruptions for various reasons. God's rich blessings be upon you. Grace and peace to you.

In Christ,

1 comment:

Alice said...

Have a great trip!