Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Phil 1:25-26

Let's jump back into our study in Philippians. Today's questions focus on 1:25-26. Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your heart as you engage these two verses.

  • Of what is Paul convinced in verse 25?
  • How can Paul be confident that he will live, returning one day to minister to the Philippians? Is he potentially offering them a false hope?
  • Why does Paul tell them, in essence, that he's going to return to them?
  • Who will receive the glory when Paul returns to them? Why is this significant?

God's grace and peace bless you.

1 comment:

Alice said...

* Of what is Paul convinced in verse 25?

From my understanding, Paul is conviniced that it is more necesary for the Philippians' sake for him to remiain.

* How can Paul be confident that he will live, returning one day to minister to the Philippians? Is he potentially offering them a false hope?

I'm thinking he means that he will continue to support them (in prayer, etc) but not necesarily in person. Also, he honestly doesn't know the future, there's nothing wrong in being hopeful about be reunited with them again. The Philippians, I'm sure, realize this is not a promise.

* Why does Paul tell them, in essence, that he's going to return to them? (see above) I think verse 27 says more to this as well. (sorry for jumping ahead)

* Who will receive the glory when Paul returns to them? Why is this significant?

Christ would receive the glory. Paul is not a super-hero invoking his own powers. It is Christ who works all to his own glory and this is important for the Philippians (and us) to realize.