Friday, February 2, 2007

Phil 1:15-18

For your weekend reading: Philippians 1:15-18
Questions for thought ...
  • Compare the two groups that are preaching Christ mentioned in these verses.
  • What was the result for each group?
  • What was the motive of each group - what was at the heart of their message?
  • What is Paul's attitude despite the disunity? How was this possible?

May God's grace and peace bless you this weekend.


Anonymous said...

(I answered my questions in a notebook.) I'm ready to proceed when you are!

Anonymous said...

One thing that did pop out at me that I wanted to share is how Paul said that either way, Christ is preached and "I rejoice".

This helped me tremendously this morning during my quiet time as I struggle with the different ways churches do things. Bottom line, Christ is preached and I rejoice.
