Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Read It Again

Repetition can be good … really. I remember having to practice piano as a little girl. Although I only took two years of formal instruction, I hated practicing the piano. I would have much rather been outside playing football or soccer with my brothers or working on my fort in the woods in our backyard. Practicing was for pansies! Playing the same thing over and over and over again throughout the week was BORING. I mean after practicing the song(s) one day (for a religious 30 minutes … how was that even possible!), I had things down. Why should I practice it again the next day or even the following week after another lesson? What more could I possibly do with the song?!?! I wasn’t catching on as a young and immature musician – the more you play a piece, the more you understand it and the more you are able to do with it musically. As you follow the melody and the dynamics, you may uncover more of what the composer intended. The song then becomes more than just a piece that your teacher assigned you and more than just a piece in which to play the notes on the page flawlessly. You begin to understand it and play it with a depth of feeling that wasn’t there before. And then you get excited about it.

So, much like my mom encouraged me to practice again back in the day, I am encouraging you to read through the book of Philippians yet another time. Perhaps this time you will begin to notice themes popping out, reoccurrences of certain words, or develop more of an understanding of what Paul was experiencing when he wrote this letter. Ignoring the chapter and verse divisions, try and read it as a letter – as if you were the recipient. Jot down a few thoughts when you’re done to share on this blog, share with another person, or simply to keep to yourself.

As to a third reading, well, I won’t subject you to that tomorrow. But feel free to partake a third time. You’ll be amazed at what you discover each time you read through the book in one setting. My Bible prof knew what he was talking about.

May God bless the reading of His Word again.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Roger, that. I've started it again today in a different version.