Monday, January 8, 2007

Always A Student

A few months ago while running I was listening to some solid preaching by one of my favorite contemporary preachers, Alistair Begg. I've made a habit of listening to his sermons on my early morning runs. Not only am I filling my head with the Word, but I'm focused ... not on my running which makes running easier in my opinion. Alistair is pretty good at packing a punch, and that day I was challenged by his words that we believers need to be students of the Word of God. That stuck with me and I was reminded of that during Joel's (my pastor) sermon yesterday in Hebrews 5 & 6. I have been meadering along, taking a sip of the Word here and there lately. Easy to do when you're busy. And since I'm always busy (who isn't), well, I'm quite famished b/c a sip or two here and there just ain't gonna cut it. In fact, that won't even nourish an infant! So I was convicted (again), but what to do about it ...

Well, my dear friend Alice and I spontaneously met for coffee after church. Great day for what I call a social beverage anyhow with the steady rain and cooler temperatures. (social beverage: coffee - everyone meets for coffee or a "coffee" drink) After brainstorming for a bit among other meaningful conversation, Alice threw out the idea of doing a blog study; that is, not a study of blogs (although that would be intriguing), but a study via a blog site. Thus Solid Food for Thought. I do love digging into Scripture to try to uncover its meaning, but really, the only times I do that is when I'm preparing for something. Alice said that I needed a teaching responsibility, and she's right. So, for all intents and purposes, this is my teaching responsibility. I'll start in Phillipians and take things at my own pace (some days are better than others when you have two small children running around), but I hope to post daily - even if it's just a nugget of truth to ponder. Nuggets can be just as rich as those big hunks of meat (or a piece of dark chocolate which I just indulged in with delight).

Thanks for the encouragement Alistair, Joel, Alice - vessels who through the work of God prepare delicious meals in which to partake. I'm eager to continue my study of God. May He bless this study and may His Spirit guide us into the Truth alone.


Alice said...

Way to go Angie!

I need God's Word SO MUCH. Thank you for starting this study. I'm looking forward to being your star pupil. (I'm such a suck up!)

Love ya lots!

Angie said...

I need the Word SO MUCH too. Thanks for the encouragement to do this. But hey, we're learning together, so we're both the pupils ... and anyone else who might care to join us. (I sent the link to a couple of others. We'll see if anyone wants to jump on in with us.) :-)